========= Instances ========= One of the largest challenges for developers moving over from OOP to Plugin Oriented Programming is dealing with the concept of class instances. In OOP it is fundamental to create a class and then create instances of said class. With the prevalence of *Subs* in Plugin Oriented Programming, it becomes easy to conflate them with classes in OOP. While they do overlap conceptually, *Subs* are NOT classes, nor should they be treated as such. A developer will then often search for another situation where they can conflate the concept of classes. They will often then reach for plugins. Plugins are also NOT classes. Finally, classes can be used and when they are created they follow the same rules for being exposed on the `hub` as functions. But even this practice is mildly discouraged. Classes should be used in Plugin Oriented Programming only when it is necessary to either extend an existing library, or to create a type like interface that is critical to an application. Classes should not be used for other interfaces. So, why, then, is this chapter called "Instances"? The concept of an instance goes beyond OOP and is still critical in software engineering and needs to be fundamentally addressed in the development of a programming paradigm. Plugin Oriented Programming does this through the namespace, rather than through the heap, which is common for OOP languages. Loosely Coupled Design ====================== Let's start by talking about loosely coupled and tightly coupled design. In a tightly coupled design multiple constructs are tightly associated. They exist in the same space and they tightly rely on each other. Plugin Oriented Programming is, by definition, loosely coupled. By introducing constructs that are both structured and loosely coupled it makes development of highly portable code easier. But, by definition, Plugin Oriented Programming is also tightly coupled. Through app merging it becomes easy to create sub-api systems that are loosely coupled, but also to create simple, abstract, high-level interfaces as well. The goal in Plugin Oriented Programming is to expose a system that is highly opinionated, with significant flexibility, and solves both sides of traditionally complicated problems. This is one of the strengths of OOP. It allows for classes to be created that can easily be linked together into larger applications. Unfortunately, it does not address coupling from an application vs library perspective and it does not address data/function coupling. The static nature of data/function coupling in OOP creates a tightly coupled interface around classes, which leads to over isolation and over encapsulation of code. Plugin Oriented Programming seeks to overcome this challenge by making the coupling between data and functions loose. This is accomplished via associative coupling via the namespace. When this happens, all of the data and functions are laid bare for the entire application to see. This makes the loose coupling that is expressed in app merging possible. This also makes the way in which instances are worked with very different from traditional OOP development. Plugin Oriented Programming also attempts to resolve the challenges with loosely coupled design. Interfaces and messages get normalized via the construct of the `hub` and are kept simple, small and consistent across local and remote execution environments. Interdependency is expressed naturally through how the code is constructed, as all Plugin Oriented code naturally expresses a consistent hierarchical API. Reused Functions and Data on the Hub ==================================== Let's use Python as an implementation example. When a class is instantiated, Python creates instances of all of the functions as objects inside of the class instance. This means that the functions defined in a class exist relative to the class instance itself. Plugin Oriented Programming creates instances of the functions relative to the *Sub* that they exist in, but the function can interact with multiple named datasets on the `hub`. This design is much more similar to how Julia creates classes. In Julia a class is just a data structure. The class is associated with functions purely through the virtue of its type. So a method that operates on a type simply accepts an instance of that type as an argument. Plugin Oriented Programming rests in between these two constructs and introduces a namespace. Functions in a *Sub* belong to the *Sub*, but functions in a *Sub* can also work with named instances which are all tracked on the `hub`. Here is some code to illustrate how this works. Let's assume we have a *Sub* called `net`, the `init.py` file looks like this: .. code-block:: python import uuid def __init__(hub): hub.net.POOLS = {} def pool(hub, pool): """ Create the named connection pool """ hub.net.POOLS[pool] = {} def add(hub, pool, addr, port): """ Add a remote connection to the named pool """ cname = uuid.uuid4() hub.net.POOLS[pool][cname] = hub.net.con.add(addr, port) return cname In this simple example, we set up a data store on the hub called `POOLS` which represents connection pools. Next, we create a new pool which gives us a named instance that we can work with. Just pass the pool name into the functions that operate on pools to have the pool get looked up on the `hub`. Next, we add a connection to the pool which not only allows us to create a connection that is tied to a specific pool, but it also allows us to create nested references. In this case we can now have many connections in each pool. This type of functional layering allows for connections to be easily addressed at the pool layer and at the connection layer. Finally, there is the concept of decoupled management. A common source of memory leaks is having too many connections open without cleaning the connections up. In this simple example all of the connections are located in a predictable place. This makes it easy to set up functions that routinely check in on the network connections and tidy them up if they are experiencing any sort of difficulty.